Saturday, December 31, 2011

Still here

I hate that it has been more than two months since I have updated this.  And as more time passes, the more overwhelming the idea of posting becomes.  So the next few posts will provide a quick summary of what we have been up to the last few months.


We finished the month of October with a celebration of Poppy's 60th birthday and Halloween.  Poppy turned 60 on November 1, but we celebrated the day before as Hannah headed to Midland with Grandjackie and I headed to DC on November 1.  Hannah had a blast on Halloween surrounded by all of her favorite people.  She loved wearing her boots with her unicorn costume, but preferred to have the hat anywhere but on her head.  She did not get the idea of asking for candy, but loved running around in the street and seeing all of the other kids out. 

Earlier in the day, Grandjackie took Hannah to see a few of her friends at Jenn's house then I met them at the doctor's office for her 15 month well check.

Dr. Hoefner was impressed with Hannah's language.  She was 32 inches (90th percentile) and 22 lbs 1.5 oz (30th percentile).

Hannah spent a few October weekends in Austin and went to the Texas vs. Kansas football game.