Sadly, now I know. Last Thursday we had to say goodbye to our precious Winston. And as Phu said, words cannot describe my grief. Which is perhaps why it has taken me over a week to get through writing this post.
Everything with Winston happened very quickly. Sunday night I commented to Tanner that he did not seem like he felt great, but did not think much of it. Early Tuesday morning, we woke up to him vomiting. Again, I did not think all that much of it, but decided I would take him to the vet Wednesday if he was not better. Tuesday I was dealing with a plumbing mess all day, but did not notice Winston vomiting any more. Tuesday night, he started again, and first thing Wednesday I dropped him off at the vet. I told them to go ahead and give him a booster shot he needed if he was well enough, as well as a bath. A few hours later, I received a call I will never forget. Dr. Hunt told me that he was really sick, his bloodwork indicated that both his kindeys and liver were failing. She said the likely culprit was that he had gotten into something toxic, she suspected antifreeze (the test later came out negative). I was told I could come see him at 2. I headed home to scour the yard and garage for anything he could have gotten into, with no success. I spent about a half hour with him at the vet. He was so excited to see me, and I could not believe he could possibly be as sick as they said. That night Tanner and I transported him to an overnight animal hospital so that he could remain under observation and have fluids pumped continuously. When we left I was hopeful, but when the phone rang at 1 am, with the night vet asking to cath him as he had not produced urine after 14 hours of fluids, I began to lose hope. I was up the rest of the night, trying to work, googling everything I could think of, waiting for Hannah to wake up so I could get her ready for her first day of school, then rush to the animal hospital to pick up my sweet puppy and take him back to the vet.
When I saw him Thursday morning, I immediately knew that it would be the day we would have to say goodbye to him. He didn't perk up when he saw me, he had produced no urine overnight, and he looked like a very sick puppy. When we arrived back at his normal vets office, my worst fears were confirmed. His blood tests were even worse than the day before. I stayed with him until it was time to pick Hannah up from school. When another mother told me that the first day of school had been really hard for her as well (based on my appearance I am sure) I just shrugged my shoulders and agreed. I dropped Hannah and the Vilmas off at Chuck E Cheese and Tanner met me at the vets office to say goodbye to precious Winston.
We told him how much we loved him and how sorry we were. We could tell that he hurt, but he still seemed to relish the pets and hugs, which we continued through his final breath. I don't really know what else to say about it. As anyone who has put down a beloved pet can probably attest to it was emotional and heartbreaking, but we knew we had made the right decision, and through the tears, there was a sense of peace.
I am still shocked that he went from being a healthy almost 5-year-old puppy to gone in the matter of a few days. Adding to the shock is the frustration the comes from not knowing why. Every vet we dealt with seemed very confident it was related to something he ate. We just have no idea what it could have been. I guess my strongest suspicion is raisins, for no real reason other than lack of other scenarios. We are going to have the landscaper give us a list of everything growing in the yard, so I can do some googling and maybe come up with some other possibilities. The reality is, we will never know.
We have lost a member of our family, and our home does not feel the same without him. First he was all mine. He is the first thing I was ever responsible for. When I brought him home in January 2008, suddenly my weeknight plans changed from drinks and dinners with friends to staying at home, cooking and playing with the dog. He was my baby.
Then he became our family pet. He loved Tanner immediately, and even though Tanner called him a cat and taunted him by singing "woo hoo" while petting him (the horror) it was clear from early on that the feeling was mutual. Later he became Hannah's constant companion. I pictured her growing up with him, and dreaded the day (which I thought would be much, much later) that we would all have to say goodbye to him. I miss hearing her call him "Weeeen-ton" and telling him to hush or to leave her food alone.
I could go on and on forever, but this is already long, and I am getting more emotional than is acceptable at work.
He was such a wonderful puppy and we miss him so, so much.