Dear Hannah,
A year ago today, your father and I learned of your impending arrival. One day your math reasoning skills will lead you to deduce that your conception came as a surprise to us, and I already think often about what I will say to you at that time.
A year ago today, your dad held me as I cried, both of us so afraid and so overwhelmed, and he promised me that in a year we would look back and that day would seem like the best day. He was so right.
A year ago today, I felt confident that you would be accepted and loved, but dreaded the pain and disappointment that would inevitably accompany our announcement. Today you are loved so much by so many and your father and I have been supported and lifted up over the last year, especially by your grandparents.
A year ago today, I prayed that your father and I would be able to create a loving home for you and that you would be born to married, stable and joyful parents. Thus far, God's response to that prayer has surpassed my highest hopes and expectations.
You have been the surprise of our lives. Each morning when I walk into your nursery and see your smiling face expectantly looking up at me and each night when I check on you peacefully sleeping in your crib and then crawl into bed with your dad, I thank God for having a divine plan for my life that is vastly superior to any plans I could have made on my own.
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