Friday, June 3, 2011

10 Months Old

Hannah became a 10-month old on Monday.  She continues to be joyful and a joy to us.  Few things upset her, the problem is that the two things that really get to her are pretty common occurrences - diaper changes and bed time.  I suppose they share a requirement that she lie down and be still.  This girl likes to move.

Two more teeth popped through last weekend, so she has four now.  She has refused to nurse for several weeks now, so is getting four to five bottles of pumped milk a day.  I am really ready to finish pumping.  I was horrified to come home Monday to a freezer full of melted milk.  I shed real tears.  So I am back to pumping four times a day trying to rebuild my stored supply before our next trip.

She is eating well.  She is eating a combination of baby food and grown up food.  Tanner grilled some fish the other day, which she really loved.  We generally try to feed her bites of whatever we are eating, but she still gets most of her veggies from baby food.  I have pretty much stopped making it, so Gerber (and a bunch of organic baby food brands) it is.

This week has been a whirlwind and I have not taken many pictures.  Here are some from week before last, when Adam and Claire came over to play.

They are getting better at looking at the camera

I love the look in Claire's eyes here

She knew what she wanted

Little cat fight

Adam loved Winston

Hannah exploring the house

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