Monday, September 26, 2011

This weekend Tanner was in Vegas for his brother's bachelor party.  Friday and Saturday night were the first two nights I have ever spent alone with Hannah, which seems so weird.  I loved spending the whole weekend with her, and all the quality time was much needed after I missed her like crazy when I was in DC last week.

She is so sweet and such a joy to be around right now.  She constantly has me laughing and pulling out my phone to document her antics.  Here are some low-quality iphone pictures of what she has been up to over the last few weeks.

Playing in the rain last weekend

Fussing because mean Mommy made her come inside

Getting her 4th haircut

Playing with Will at the Children's Museum (courtesy of Grandjackie)

Reading with daddy

Creative play at the Y

Engaging in her current favorite activity - find small box/container to sit in game

Ready for Gameday - Saturday Outfit #1

Loving the duck pond - Saturday Outfit #2

Pouting because mommy wouldn't let her swim with the ducks

Adam and Claire - Hannah would not cooperate and stay in the frame

Reading with Poppy - Saturday Outfit #3

Diving for toys

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