Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

I will post a December update tomorrow (it was a busy month), but figure now is an appropriate time for a post to ring in the New Year.  2010 was a pretty milestone year in our house with our wedding, moving into our home and the birth of Hannah.  In comparison, 2011 seems pretty tame, but several events really stand out as highlights. 

The first was Hannah's baptism on January 30, 2011.  It was so special, and I love that it was on her half birthday.  I think it will be a perfect way for us to have a mini-half birthday celebration each year with the candle the church gave us as a memento of her baptism.  It will be such a special opportunity for us to talk to her about it each year going forward.  Hannah also finally rolled over and started sitting on her own in January.

In March, Tanner and I went on amazing trip to Napa for our anniversary.  I was so touched by how much work he put into planning.  It really was the most amazing opportunity for us to get away to what I consider pretty much the most relaxing place on Earth and reflect a little bit on what a whirlwind the last year had been.

In April, we celebrated Tanner and Mike's 30th birthday parties in a big way with a trip to Vegas.  It was a blast and so special for him to spend it with his closest friends.  Hannah also started crawling. 

In May, I turned 29.  My celebrations were a bit more low key, but really great.  We spent the weekend before my birthday with my parents in Austin and celebrated with friends at Philippe in Houston.  Then we took Hannah to Cloudcroft with my grandparents the weekend after my birthday.

July was a great month.  I went to Hong Kong for work and Tanner was able to come along, while my mom and sister kept Hannah in Houston.  Hannah was weened, which was pretty exciting for me, although nursing/pumping exclusively for her first year, through all of my work travels, is really a source of pride.  I was not always able to be there for her in all the ways that I would have liked to, but this was something that I could do and committed to doing for her and I followed through.  Hannah started walking and on the 30th, we celebrated her first birthday with a party at the house that could not have been more special or perfect.  We had family and friends in from all over the state.  It was such a reminder of how blessed we all are.  I worked tirelessly on Hannah's video, which still brings me to tears when I watch it.  It was such a cool way for me to reflect on Hannah's first year and was truly a labor of love.

Hannah's First bday movie from Margaret Franks on Vimeo.

On October 8, Hannah attended her first wedding and acquired a new aunt.  Unfortunately, she was a little too exhausted from the state fair to fully partake in the festivities, which started right around her bedtime, but she loved playing in the church and she loves her Uncle Taylor and Aunt Julie.  She also fell in love with pumpkins, and was an adorable unicorn for Halloween.

December was so much fun, after Hannah recovered from being stricken simultaneously with a stomach bug and strep throat the second week of the month.  She scared us to death when her fever was almost 104 at the pediatrician's office.  I had never seen her lethargic like that.  Seeing as I was fighting the same ailments, this was probably our low point of the year, but fortunately we were all well in time for Christmas.  Hannah loved being the center of attention and we were lucky to celebrate at our home with both of our families.  After a special Christmas eve and Christmas day, we headed to San Diego with Grandjackie, Granddaddy and Aunt Melissa, and Hannah had her first beach experience.  To say she loved it would be an understatement.  I think we will have to take her back to the "osen" very soon.

Reflecting on our year, I am reminded of how abundantly blessed our family truly is in so many different ways.

I have high hopes for 2012, and a few resolutions/goals as well.

1) Tanner and I are starting Weight Watchers again tomorrow.  My goal is to lose 40 pounds by my 30th birthday.  My other goal is to send out a Christmas Card with a family photo next that I am not ashamed of, to be more specific.

2) I increasingly find myself muttering "I cannot continue to live this way" when searching for items around our house.  We have a huge closet in our hallway, that I have began referring to as Satan's closet, because every time I open it things fall down on me and I want to cry, seriously.  My closet is also a disaster.  It is way too full of clothes that don't fit or I don't like, and I have to streamline so I can find things.  Our tiny little bathroom is also a complete disaster.  Tanner spends hours each month looking for things like toenail clippers (which we probably have 10 of) because nothing ever seems to be where it is supposed to be.  I am trying a new plan, based on the fly lady, to tackle the clutter and disorganization.  I am making it a goal to spend just 15 minutes 5 days a week clearing countertops, sorting mail, hanging clothes, etc.  Then I am making it a goal to spend 1 hour each weekend tackling a larger project, like a single drawer, or a corner of a closet, etc. 

3) Two things I have completely neglected are prayer/quiet times and exercising.  My current schedule really allows almost no time for exercising.  My day starts at 530 and lately has been completely full most nights until around midnight, when my Hong Kong phone calls wrap up.  My exercise goals are modest, three days a week for 45 minutes, either walking outside or cardio at the Y.  It is not much, but hopefully better than nothing. I am going to devote the same amount of time to prayer/scripture, either early in the mornings or at my desk during lunch.

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