My lack of posting is not at all indicative of a lack of activity at our house. Hannah is turning into more of a little girl every day.
Showing off my new passport |
The biggest news is that she is taking steps. I would not really call it walking yet, but she is connecting 2-3 steps not holding onto anything. As with all else, she chooses not to take steps on command, so I have yet to be able to get a decent picture.
She and Winston are also playing more and more. She chases him around the house laughing and shrieking. He runs away then comes back to her, so she can chase him in the other direction. It is pretty cute. Hannah stayed with Mimi and Poppy last night, and Mimi said she was looking under her highchair for Winston while she was eating breakfast. Winston serves as a great vaccuum cleaner. The video quality of the following is terrible, because as I continually prove, I am a horrible videographer.
Hannah also started on whole milk this week. She has not been nursing for some time, so I have been exclusively pumping. I have a trip coming up, so I needed to try to stop producing. The pediatrician cleared Hannah to be weaned, so she will continue having a bottle before bed until our frozen supply is exhausted.
I still can't grasp that we will have a one year old three weeks from today.
Here are some pictures from the last weekend in June when my friend Stacy and her husband Chris were in town and brought their adorable son Gabriel.
And finally, last weekend Granddaddy, Grandjackie, Aunt Melissa and Dad all took Hannah swimming. There were finally enough hands to get some swimming photos. And here they are:
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