Friday, April 29, 2011

The Big 3-0

Tanner has told me before that he thinks online attestations of love and mushy facebook birthday wishes and anniversary wishes, etc. indicate underlying unhappiness in a relationship.  He has in fact told me that he assumes that people who do such things are likely trying to save flailing marriages/relationships, perhaps headed for divorce.  While I don't feel the need to tell someone I see every day how much I love him on facebook regularly, I do feel the need to post about Tan's milestone birthday and how very much I appreciate him (sorry babe, hopefully you will consider this an exception to your assumption).


Over the last year I have come to love and appreciate you in entirely new ways.  Becoming a mother has been overwhelmingly joyful, and watching you love our daughter so well is a substantial part of what makes it so.  Sometimes I get a tad jealous when she sings "dadadadadadaaaa" or laughs hysterically when you make certain noises or tickle her tummy, something I can rarely replicate.  That twinge is always instantaneously drowned out by intense gratitude.

I was reading an article in the WSJ yesterday talking about how couples' contentment in marriage is shown to drop substantially within one year of having a child.  I guess we don't have much of a control period for prior comparison, but thus far with every month that has passed, my contentment in our marriage and my respect for you has only increased.  One of the experts quoted in the article suggested that prior to delivery each couple sit down and make a list of all of the tasks that will be required once a baby arrives and divy each one between them fairly so neither feels as though they shoulder more of the burden.  It struck me as such a stark contrast from what we discussed at such length in pre-marital counseling regarding serving one another sacrificially. 

I never want to keep score and I am grateful and proud that so far we have been able to love eachother sacrificially.  Every night this week I came home to a nearly prepared dinner and a baby in the process of being fed.  The dishes always seemed to be done before I went to do them.  When Hannah took 45 minutes to go down at 10:15 on Wednesday night, you were the one with the patience to rock her to sleep, as you are most nights.  You made a rough week for me bearable, as you do so often, and for that I am grateful.  Although we don't keep score, please know that I notice and I appreciate.

You are still ten years away from your "I'm a Man" birthday, but thirty seems like such a big deal.  I have spent some time thinking about this milestone birthday of yours, and I am really overwhelmed by the extent to which you have grown up over the last several years.  You were really thrown some curve balls, and in my opinion you have hit them out of the park.  I think everyone who cares about you respects the man, the husband, the father and the teacher that you have become.  When West talks about transformational faith, it always makes me think about you and the way that you live your life now, with very different priorities, but without having abandoned many of the characteristics that all those who care about you appreciate so much.

Know that I am so proud of you and I love you so much.  It is an amazing privilege and joy to be your wife.  I can't wait to spend the weekend celebrating your big day.


PS - Hope I am not in trouble, especially as you read on.

And now for the pictures...

From the last few several decades:

And from Tan's thirtieth year:

Big Time

Mom is on the front page of the Midland Reporter-Telegram this morning admiring Mack's new grandson, Mack.  I am a little jealous.  So is Hannah, she thought that face was reserved for her, Grandjackie.  Picture courtesy of

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter weekend

I am a few days late getting these up.  I am not a fan of this week, thank goodness it is now half over.

Good Friday was a big birthday day.  Uncle Taylor turned 25 and we celebrated Vilma's birthday with her.  Hannah wore her (slightly too large) cupcake dress to celebrate the event.

With all of the excitement (and lack of facebook) I forgot my dear friend Beka's birthday.  This is my public apology, hope you had a great one!  I included a really old pic, from our previous life.

Moving on to the rest of the weekend, my parents got in on Saturday morning.  We had lunch at El Real (liked it, will go back) then hung out at the house with Miss Hannah.  She took a dip in her pool Saturday afternoon.

Saturday night Grandjackie and Granddaddy babysat while Tanner and I saw Max Stalling at the Mucky Duck.  It was a great show and we had a great time.  We have become pretty big fans of the Mucky Duck over the last month or so.  It is such a fun small show venue.

Sunday morning we went to church and then came hope to prepare lunch.  I totally intended to take pictures of the food, and then totally forgot in the midst of trying to get everything ready and served, but the meal was a success.  We made beef tenderloin, asparagus, mushrooms and onions, rolls, a salad and an ahi tuna/avocado appetizer.  Betty and Raymond brought deviled eggs, stuffed peppers, potatoes, a coconut pie and a chocolate pie and my mom made two strawberry pies.  We celebrated Easter, Tanner and Taylor's birthday and Julie and Taylor's engagement.

Hannah did not hunt for eggs this year, but she did love finding toys and eggs in her baskets.  Of course, we took lots of pictures all day long. 

Hannah's Easter basket (formerly my Easter basket)

Enjoying cheerios for breakfast Easter morning

"From now on all I eat is Cheerios, Mom"

With Grandjackie and Granddaddy after church

Family photo (lots of squinting)

Playing with her new toys

"Today has been too much fun"
"I am so not going to bed"

Monday Grandjackie and Grandaddy took Hannah to the doctor, and she does in fact have an ear infection now.  She started on antibiotics (which she loves, given her choice she would eat only amoxicillin and cheerios).  We can tell she is feeling much better.  She slept for nine hours last night, which she has not done for the last few weeks. 

Every day she is more into everything.  Last night Tanner and I took turns taking bites of dinner while the other moved Hannah away from the cords, or the receiver, or the remote control, or the mail, or the cell phone, or the baskets under the coffee table, or the wine rack, or the trash can, etc (you probably get the point by now).  I used to see babyproofing trucks in the neighborhood, but have not seen one in a while, so don't know how to get in touch with the people I could pay a small fortune to do what I am too lazy busy to do myself.  I think that is what I want for Mother's Day or my birthday.  Exciting, huh?

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Easter Bunny

Hannah thought the Easter bunny was hilarious.  7 pm was the right time to go, as we only had to wait about two minutes.  Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mommy-Daughter Morning

This morning I took off work to take Hannah to her nine month well check.  The appointment was not until 11:15, and I had so much fun just spending time with her this morning.  She woke up about 7 and nursed, and then we crawled into my bed and rested (ie Hannah crawled all over me, tortured Winston, played fetch with her pacifier and tried to pull up using my hair for about 20 minutes, before finally falling asleep).  It was such a treat to sleep in a bit on a Tuesday, cuddled up with my sweet daughter. 

We practiced crawling..

and played with our favorite toy...

At 10, we headed to Kids Kuts for Hannah's third haircut.  She is pretty much an old pro now.

The haircut was pretty quick.  Since we had a bit of time before her doctor's appointment we stopped by the Whalens to say hi to Adam and Claire.  Unfortunately, Jenn was at an appointment and Adam was napping, but I did get some cute pictures of the girls and had a nice visit with Barbara.  Claire look so grown up since I saw her last, I think it is all of the new hair.

After the quick impromptu play date, we headed to the doctor's office.  Dr. Hoefner said that Hannah looks wonderful.  She is still very tall at 29 1/4 inches (97th percentile).  I guessed she would weigh 20 pounds, but was way off.  She was 18 lbs 10.5 oz (50th percentile).  Her head was 17 1/4 inches (50th-75th percentile).

Dr. Hoefner gave us these goals for her one-year appointment:
  • Eating only table food
  • Eating independently (with her hands, not silverware)
  • No more bottles
  • Three meals a day with two snacks (currently eating three meals a day with no snacks)
Hannah and I should have our hands full (literally) for the next three months.  Dr. Hoefner also said her ear looks like it is on the mend from an ear infection.  She has had cold symptoms for the last week or so, but did not seem to have ear infection symptoms.  We are supposed to watch it for the next few days, and if it seems like it is bothering her by Thursday or her temperature spikes over 100, she will go on antibiotics.  So far she has been so healthy, so hopefully Dr. Hoefner is right and it will continue to get better.